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hydrated calcium sulfate. Sometimes recommended as a soil conditioner or a source of calcium.

gypsum (Wikipedia)

Gypsum is a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, with the chemical formula CaSO4·2H2O. It is widely mined and is used as a fertilizer and as the main constituent in many forms of plaster, drywall and blackboard or sidewalk chalk. Gypsum also crystallizes as translucent crystals of selenite. It forms as an evaporite mineral and as a hydration product of anhydrite. The Mohs scale of mineral hardness defines gypsum as hardness value 2 based on scratch hardness comparison.

CategorySulfate minerals
(repeating unit)
IMA symbolGp
Strunz classification7.CD.40
Crystal systemMonoclinic
Crystal classPrismatic (2/m)
H-M symbol: (2/m)
Space groupMonoclinic
Space group: I2/a
Unit cella = 5.679(5), b = 15.202(14)
c = 6.522(6) Å; β = 118.43°; Z = 4
ColorColorless (in transmitted light) to white; often tinged other hues due to impurities; may be yellow, tan, blue, pink, dark brown, reddish brown or gray
Crystal habitMassive, flat. Elongated and generally prismatic crystals
TwinningVery common on {110}
CleavagePerfect on {010}, distinct on {100}
FractureConchoidal on {100}, splintery parallel to [001]
TenacityFlexible, inelastic
Mohs scale hardness1.5–2 (defining mineral for 2)
LusterVitreous to silky, pearly, or waxy
DiaphaneityTransparent to translucent
Specific gravity2.31–2.33
Optical propertiesBiaxial (+)
Refractive indexnα = 1.519–1.521
nβ = 1.522–1.523
nγ = 1.529–1.530
Birefringenceδ = 0.010
2V angle58°
SolubilityHot, dilute HCl
Major varieties
Satin sparPearly, fibrous masses
SeleniteTransparent and bladed crystals
AlabasterFine-grained, slightly colored

Fine-grained white or lightly tinted forms of gypsum known as alabaster have been used for sculpture by many cultures including Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome, the Byzantine Empire, and the Nottingham alabasters of Medieval England.

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