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development to a point characterized by a fixed number of leaves or other lateral organs (contrast with indeterminate growth).

determinate growth (Wikipedia)

In biology and botany, indeterminate growth is growth that is not terminated in contrast to determinate growth that stops once a genetically predetermined structure has completely formed. Thus, a plant that grows and produces flowers and fruit until killed by frost or some other external factor is called indeterminate. For example, the term is applied to tomato varieties that grow in a rather gangly fashion, producing fruit throughout the growing season. In contrast, a determinate tomato plant grows in a more bushy shape and is most productive for a single, larger harvest, then either tapers off with minimal new growth or fruit or dies.

This inflorescence of the terrestrial orchid Spathoglottis plicata shows indeterminate growth; note that the opening of flowers and production of fruits is proceeding upwards on the shoot.
Cymose determinate inflorescences
a. Myosotis
b. Cerastium (dichasium)
c. Sedum (scorpioid cyme)
d. Scirpus lacustris (compound cyme)
e. Dianthus (fascicle)
f. Chenopodium album (sessile flowers in cymes)
g. Salvia officinalis (cymule)
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