appraisal (valuation)

By |2024-09-11T12:23:25+08:00September 11th, 2024|

1) placing a monetary value on a tree. plant. or other landscaping. including hardscape or an entire property. 2) a report stating an opinion of appraised value. 3 particularly outside the United States. an evaluation of nonmonetary landscape or plant characteristics.

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approach distances

By |2024-09-11T12:23:25+08:00September 11th, 2024|

when working near electric utilities. minimum di tance that must be maintained between conductors and other energized equipment and qualified line-clearance per om1el or per ons other than line-clearance personnel and their bodies or tools. Approach distances vary with qualifications of personnel and with voltages.

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appropriate response process (ARP)

By |2024-09-11T12:23:25+08:00September 11th, 2024|

process of systematically acquiring and using information about the plant. the stressor. and the client to determine which course of action. if any. is recommended.

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