brian_kaneis the Massachusetts Arborists Association Professor of Commercial Arboriculture at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA. He is an ISA Certified Arborist and serves on the ISA Board of Directors. He previously chaired the ISA’s Science and Research Committee. His research focuses on tree biomechanics and tree worker safety and he has published 39 scholarly articles. Brian has won the ISA’s Early Career Scientist award and the Alex L. Shigo award for excellence in arboricultural education. He has also received a TCIA Safety Citation for research he conducted with the Bartlett Tree Expert Company. Brian spent several years working as a production climber and has competed in tree climbing competitions in New England and New York. In 2006, he placed fourth overall in New England.

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry citations
1.     Pavlis, M., B. Kane, J. R. Seiler, and J. R. Harris.  2008. The effect of pruning on drag and bending moment of shade trees. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 34:207-215.
2.     Smiley, E. T. and B. Kane.  2006.  The effects of pruning type on wind loading of Acer rubrum. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry. 32:33-42.
3.     Kane, B. C. P. and H. D. P. Ryan.  2004.  The accuracy of formulas used to assess strength loss due to decay in trees.  Journal of Arboriculture. 30:347-356.
4.     Kane, B. C. P., H. D. P. Ryan, and D. V. Bloniarz.  2001. Comparing formulae for assessing strength loss due to decay in trees. Journal of Arboriculture. 27:78-87.

IASHK 2010: Caring For Our Subtropical Trees

IASHK 2014: Hanging by Their Roots, Trees and Slippery Slopes