is a geomorphologist with 32 years of experience in mechanistic analysis of unstable-channel systems, streambank erosion, cohesive-sediment entrainment, the role of riparian vegetation, “reference” sediment-transport rates and river restoration. His project work has taken place throughout the United States and around the globe. Dr. Simon is currently a Senior Consultant with Cardno ENTRIX after spending 16 years with each the U.S. Geological Survey and the USDA’s National Sedimentation Laboratory. He is the senior-developer of the Bank-Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM) which has been applied around the world in a diverse range of alluvial settings. He is the author of more than 100 technical publications and the editor of several books.
His interests are in quantifying the effects of imposed channel and landscape disturbances, and mitigation measures on channel response and sediment loads. He is an internationally recognized scientist and project manager, designing field, laboratory and numerical-modeling studies, leading and participating in field data collection, analyzing and synthesizing data, and preparing technical reports.
Dr. Simon has designed, conducted, and managed projects focusing on the adjustment and evolution of channel systems, sources and magnitudes of sediment delivery, quantifying potential sediment-load reductions according to restoration strategy, the role of woody vegetation on channel processes and determining “background” rates of sediment transport for developing water-quality targets. He was the project chief and lead scientist on numerous projects that quantified historical/existing sediment-transport rates and channel erosion, and the effects of restoration strategies on reducing erosion, sediment-loads and bank retreat.
IASHK 2014: Hanging by Their Roots, Trees and Slippery Slopes