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quantifiable evaluations of specific outcomes and outputs and progress toward goals.

Performance measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing and/or reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group, organization, system or component.[dubiousdiscuss]

Definitions of performance measurement tend to be predicated upon an assumption about why the performance is being measured.

  • Moullin defines the term with a forward looking organisational focus—"the process of evaluating how well organisations are managed and the value they deliver for customers and other stakeholders".
  • Neely et al. use a more operational retrospective focus—"the process of quantifying the efficiency and effectiveness of past actions".
  • In 2007 the Office of the Chief Information Officer in the USA defined it using a more evaluative focus—"Performance measurement estimates the parameters under which programs, investments, and acquisitions are reaching the targeted results".
    Performance Reference Model of the Federal Enterprise Architecture, 2005.

Defining performance measures or methods by which they can be chosen is also a popular activity for academics—for example a list of railway infrastructure indicators is offered by Stenström et al., a novel method for measure selection is proposed by Mendibil et al.

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