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1) method of controlling plant pests by providing a growing environment favorable to the host plant and/or unfavorable to the pest (see Plant Health Care and Integrated Pest Management). 2) management of vegetation through alternative use of the right-of-way that precludes growth of incompatible vegetation through establishment of crops. pastures. prairies. parks. successful cover-type conversion. or other managed landscape.

cultural control (Wikipedia)

In agriculture cultural control is the practice of modifying the growing environment to reduce the prevalence of unwanted pests. Examples include changing soil pH or fertility levels, irrigation practices, amount of sunlight, temperature, or the use of beneficial animals (e.g. chickens) or insects (e.g. ladybugs) (biological control). Cultural control can help avoid pest population build-up, strengthen the overall resilience of a farming system and thereby reduce a need for curative interventions e.g., chemical pesticide applications. As such, a systematic implementation of cultural control practices can avert pesticide-induced detrimental effects on farmland biodiversity and the environment. Cultural control is the use of crops rotation, resistant varieties, fillage[check spelling] practice, regular weeding, fallowing, timeless planting, uprooting and burning infected crops.

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