announcing the 6th annual

International Arboriculture Summit – Hong Kong

Best Management Practices in Urban Arboriculture:
Tree Risk Assessment, Mitigation Practices, Diagnosis & Tree Inventories

November 18-20, 2013
Keynote Educator – Dr. Tom Smiley

organised by the Institute of Arboriculture Studies (Hong Kong)

tom_smileyDr. E. Thomas Smiley
IASHK 2013 Keynote Educator

Dr. Tom Smiley is an arboricultural researcher at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory in Charlotte, NC and an adjunct  professor of Urban Forestry at Clemson University. His research has assisted the development of: the ANSI A300 Standards and ISA Best Management Practices, strategies for increasing the longevity of side-walks near trees, protocols for tree risk assessment, methods for increasing the effectiveness of lightning protection systems while lowering installation costs, developing the patented Root Invigoration™ method of reducing soil compaction under trees, and pioneering the Prescription Fertilization method.

Dr. Smiley’s work continues to focus on plant growth regulators, the effects of root cutting on tree stability and developing more efficient and effective tree propping systems.

Dr. Smiley was the recipient of the 2012 award for Excellence in Arboriculture Education.

Research by Dr. Tom Smiley

Partial List of Papers (PDF)

Root Barriers and Windthrow Potential

Root Collar Disorders

Sidewalk Repair Near Trees

Soil for Urban Tree Planting

The Effects of Pruning Type on Wind Loading of Acer Rubrum

Mark_DMark Duntemann

is a consulting arborist with twenty-five years of experience in urban forestry. He has provided expert testimony in over forty tree-related cases. He specializes in tree forensics, tree value appraisal and operational and management policies associated with tree-related fatalities, personal injuries and property damage. Through his company, Natural Path Forestry LLC, Mark has specialized in tree inventories for multiple Chicago suburbs and other municipalities creating useful documentation of thousands of trees for effective management.

He provides services to an international client base in such areas as Europe, South America among many places and speaks regularly on tree risk topics including program management. He serves on numerous professional Boards and provides peer review on tree failure and related topics for articles, manuals, guides and publications. Mr. Duntemann is an ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist.

elizabeth_brantley04fafbDr. Elizabeth Brantley

teaches forestry, plant biology, and wildlife at Penn State Mont Alto. Her favorite course to teach is Dendrology. She is currently involved in a multi-state butternut (Juglans cinerea) research project. Butternuts are on the decline due to the butternut canker fungus, and losses greater than 70 percent in the forests are estimated. The goal of this project is to identify genotypes that are resistant to butternut canker. Not all trees that look like butternuts actually are butternuts, Dr. Brantley notes. Hybridization with heartnut is common, and these trees often show resistance to butternut canker.  Elabeth holds a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology, an M.F. in Forest Resource Management with an emphasis in Forest Pathology, and a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and Psychology.

alexia_stokesDr. Alexia Stokes

received her PhD from the University of York UK in 1994. In collaboration with the Forestry Commission in Edinburgh, she studied the growth responses of young trees subjected to wind loading. Alexia’s particular interest was to understand how tree growth and architecture adapts to mechanical stresses, with a special focus on the root system. After post-doctoral study in Germany, examining root wood strength, Alexia began work at INRA, Bordeaux, France. Working principally on Maritime pine, Alexia and colleagues investigated tree root anchorage with regard to wind storms. In 2005, Alexia began work in China for 2 years, studying how vegetation (plant root systems) could be used to fix soil on slopes against landslides and erosion. She is now based at INRA, Montpellier, France and continues her work on tree mechanics and slope stability in the French Alps and southern China. Recent interests include the ecophysiology of tree root growth at high altitudes and in winter, as well as an understanding of global patterns in root functional traits.

fountainDr. William Fountain

I joined the faculty in the Department of Horticulture of the University of Kentucky  in July 1979 and am currently professor of Arboriculture with an Extension appointment.

My Extension work centers around the arboricultural and landscape maintenance industries. I am actively involved in training arborists for the International Society of Arboriculture certification exam, working with the Kentucky Chapter of ISA (a.k.a. Kentucky Arborists’ Association) ( to provide educational programs on identification & selection, installation and maintenance, tree risk assessment and mitigation of problems. I work with county Extension agents in training Master Gardeners, identification of plants, and identification of cultural and pest problems in their counties.

I have served on the board of directors and currently server as chair of the Council of Representatives for the International Society of Arboriculture ( and and the Kentucky chapter of ISA. I have enjoyed traveling extensively overseas preparing arborists in other countries for the ISA certification exam while learning new techniques and practices beneficial here.

Dr. Bill also presently serves as the Chair of the Board of Advisors for the Institutue of Arboriculture Studies Hong Kong.

IASHK Conference Topics

Monday, November 18

Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
Tom Smiley

Best Management Practices as a Theme and Goal of the Arborist
Tom Smiley

TRAQ; The Matrixes: Likelihood, Consequences & The Risk Rating
Tom Smiley

Tree Risk Assessments:  A Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
Mark Duntemann

Human Interaction with Trees; Friend or Foe? Consideration of Risk Perceptions
Alexia Stokes

Quantifying Risk to Distinguish Real Risk & Perceived Risk
Mark Duntemann

Case Studies of Integrated Vegetation Management
Elizabeth Brantley

Institute of Arboriculture Studies Research Initiative
Bill Fountain
Chair of IASHK Board of Advisors
Wall Trees – How do they Stay Up There
(Alexia Stokes will be a guiding contributor in the research)

Tuesday, November 19

Tree Planting – Installation: Key to Success or Cause of Failure
Bill Fountain

Tree & Shrub Fertilisation – Plant Responses to Fertilisation
Elizabeth Brantley

Tree Root Growth and Management On Sloping Terrain
Alexia Stokes

Tree Protection to Increase Tree Survival Potential
Tom Smiley

Pre-Planning and Project Oversight to Successful Tree Preservation
Mark Duntemann

Tree Pruning – Review of Pruning Methods and Writing Pruning Specifications
Tom Smiley

Tree Support Systems – Current Standards And Future Developments in
Cabling, Bracing and Propping
Tom Smiley

Tree Root Management Best Practices – Developments in the new ISA BMP
Alexia Stokes

Panel Discussion on Tree Risk Assessment and the Form:  Should the Client See it?
Tom Smiley, Alexia Stokes, Mark Duntemann, Bill Fountain, Elizabeth Brantley

Wednesday, November 20

A Global View on Tree Survey Design: Keeping it Simple
Mark Duntemann

The Applied Use of a Tree Survey
Mark Duntemann

Maintaining Tree Inventories
Elizabeth Brantley

Tree Planting – Right Plant, Right Site
Bill Fountain

Diagnosis: Integrated Pest Management

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms
Elizabeth Brantley

Integrated Vegetation Management:- Utility Pruning of Trees

Additional educators & topics to be added soon in topics such as diagnosis & mitigation for tree risk assessment

Early Registration is Now Open

for the 2013 IAS-HK
ends August 23 so sign up now!

  •          FIRST TIME Early Reg. until Aug. 23 (12% Off)  首次參加於8月23日 前報名 (八八折)
  •          Previous Attendees until August 23 (15% Off) 前出席者於8月23日前報名(八五折
  •          Full Time Student (50% Off) 全日制學生(半價
  •          NGO/Green Group (20% Off Early Registrations) 非牟利組織 /環保團體(八折)wukaisha756ddd










Conference Location

This year’s conference will take place at the YMCA Wu Kai Sha Youth Village, conveniently located within walking distance of the Ma On Shan MTR station.

New This Year:

IASHK Sponsorship Opportunities

The 6th annual IASHK

SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES 2013: (click here and follow the link to a complete explanation of packages)

VALUE ADDED INVESTIMENTS: By sponsoring over HK$5000, 1 FREE registration will be given.

Option 1: Name Tag LanyardS (HK$6000)
Option 2: Wooden USB flash-drive with presentations & company logo/name (HK$8500)
Option 3: Recycle CANVAS Bag (HK$5500-13,000)
Option 4: Printed book of educator’s presentations (HK$5000-12,000)
Option 5: Tea break refreshment (HK$1500-3500)
Option 6: Lunch per day (HK$6300)
Option 7: Prize Award Drawings during break times (six choices HK$2000 each)

IASHK Sponsorship Packages.PDF download

(Some deadlines for sponsorship options are as early as 30, August in order to have time to order)

The International Arboriculture Summit-Hong Kong 際樹木會議-香港 (IAS-HK) is the annual conference in which well known educators from around the world provide arboriculture related seminars each year at November in Hong Kong. From the beginning in 2008, the summit has included world-renowned arboriculture professors and professionals from the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, France, Italy, the USA, and Hong Kong. Between 130-170 individuals from Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, China, and Hong Kong have been in attendance each year as the summit event has grown in popularity.

The value it offers in exposure to you as a company or individual consultant in the tree care industry is significant:

·      Receive recognition from entire international arboriculture community (the ISA & multiple chapters, etc.)
·      Local and regional companies, educational institutions & businesses who regularly hire services will         view your name as a participant (multiple mailings go to over 1500 such as the above)
·      Local and regional government agencies are represented each year as they send management representatives to attend the summit and learn the correct practices in line with the industry

IASHK Sponsorship Packages.PDF download

Summit Hotel

For this year’s conference, those of you who are planning to attend from outside of Hong Kong, you can consider the Regal Riverside Hotel as an option for lodging during the conference.  Please contact the hotel directly to make your reservations and mention that you will be attending this year’s IASHK conference.

The hotel is conveniently located in Shatin.  Both bus and taxi options are available for travel from the hotel to the conference location.

Call for Presentations for the IAS-HK Summit

The International Arboriculture Summit – Hong Kong conference will be held this November.
The theme this year is:
“Best Management Practices in Urban Arboriculture”.

We welcome individuals in the region to submit their presentations,
especially in the areas of managing trees in Asian urban environments.
The time slots for speaking at the conference will be either 30 or 45 minutes.

Presentations will be evaluated based on overall
quality, appropriateness and timeliness of topic, well-defined focus, practical application of
material, and the subject’s interest to a diverse audience.

Please input “IAS-HK Presentation” in the Subject Line &
submit your presentations to
Thank you for your interest.